
School Assemblies

Math Can Take You to the Stars!

Phone: 248-682-6115

Email: dynamicwest@sbcglobal.net

How did man make it to the moon? Math!

How do scientists estimate the size of black holes, the mass of Halley's Comet, the distance in light years to a far away galaxy? Math!

Join Captain Rod as he takes you and your students on an incredible journey though time and space. In "Math Can Take You to the Stars," we explore how many kinds of mathematic skills come together in exploring our universe.

Beginning at the first days of the age of rocketry, you will learn how rockets were developed as well as what kind of power it takes to enable them to get off the ground, excape the gravity field of earth, and get into orbit. The students will see many examples of satellites and rockets such as the Saturn 5 which carried men to the moon. We also see space vehicles of the past and present that have been launched into space. From Sputnik to Voyager to the Hubbell telescope you will be shown many examples of satellite technology in present day orbit around our earth and throughout our solar system.

You will journey through space from the heart of the sun through the solar system and beyond to the edges of the galaxy, stopping along the way to learn about planets, pulsars, stars, galaxies, clouds in space, black holes, moons, comets, and asteroids. What are planets made of? How fast is light? These questions and more will be explored and answered.

A popular variation of this assembly focuses on inventions that originated in our NASA program. Mankind’s exploration of space has provided many benefits to society and added to our quality of life. Solar panels, computer innovations, water purification systems, global positioning systems, advancements in healthcare, engineering, and robotics are just the beginning. As our knowledge of space grows, we build a better life here on earth by utilizing these remarkable innovations and inventions.

In "Math Can Take You to the Stars!" We establish a connection between math, science and technology, from Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein to the NASA programs and the future of space explorations we probe the impact math has had on makind's quest to discover the mysteries of our universe. You, your family, your guests and your students are sure to enjoy this fast paced, educational and entertaining 45 minute presentation of math and its impact our world.

Call today to schedule this incredible new show!